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Hi everybody!

My name is Alessandro and I am an Italian tenor and pianist. I live in Fordham, Cambridgeshire, and I teach Singing and Piano. . . . . ...

Saturday, 15 September 2018

Back in the UK!

Here I am, back in Newmarket after a wonderful summer in Italy with a lot of concerts!

The last one, as I told in my last post, was in the beautiful Dolomites, where I sang some Schubert, Mahler, Strauss and Wolf's Songs with Alberto Miodini, one of the finest Italian pianist for chamber music:

And now I am ready to start again to work with my students... I missed teaching very much!

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Summer Concerts - Part Two

Hi everybody!

Here I am, nearly ready to come back to the UK... I have just the last concert to do this Saturday, in the beautiful "Mezzano Romantica" Festival in the Trentino Alto Adige mountains, with pianist Alberto Miodini.

In the last weeks, I had a lot of fun singing with old and new friends in my region; I will show you some pictures.
Here I was singing the incredibly beautiful Die Winterreise by Schubert in a Villa dating from the 17th Century with my very good friend Michele:

Here I was with a lot of colleagues paying our tribute to the memory of Claudio Desderi, a great Italian baryton who unfortunately died some months ago:

And finally here are some pictures taken during a very funny concert with Silvia and Anna - sitting at the piano, of course, there was Michele:

So see you soon, stay tuned for some exciting news about my activity in the UK!