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Hi everybody!

My name is Alessandro and I am an Italian tenor and pianist. I live in Fordham, Cambridgeshire, and I teach Singing and Piano. . . . . ...

Sunday, 23 January 2022

Schubert in Cambridge

Hello everybody!

Yesterday's concert in Cambridge with Ralph Woodward was my first Lieder recital here in the UK: I've always been very passionate about this repertoire and I was very happy to finally share my love for Schubert's music with the British audience. Schubert's Winterreise (Winter Journey) is one of the most demanding works to perform, 75 minutes of wonderful music, no intermission, a real journey into hell as we follow the protagonist in his wandering through the wintery landscape and his descent into despair and madness. No human beings on his path, just traces of them - an abandoned hut, a graveyard, the distant lights of a village and the sound of the dogs barking - and snow, ice, wild animals and the longing for death. Only at the end, our Wanderer will meet another human being, an old hurdy-gurdy player, alone in his misery, and for the first time he will be able to speak to someone other than himself: "Can I come with you? Would you play your instrument to my songs?". And so the story starts again, in an eternal reliving of his pain through his songs.

I feel very lucky and so grateful to have the opportunity to perform this masterpiece - and to do it with the wonderful Ralph Woodward!

This concert marked my return to Schubert's Winterreise since before the pandemic (I was working on this programme at the time of the first lockdown in 2020 and so we had to postpone the concert) - let's hope that this is a good omen and we will now finally able to go back to our normal lives!

More Schubert to come later this year, to mark the composer's 225th birthday!

Monday, 10 January 2022


 Hi everybody and happy New Year!

I hope you had a good time during the past Christmas holidays - I was able to go back to Italy and spend some time with family and friends!

I'm back in Newmarket now, and looking forward to many wonderful things in 2022 - the first one will be another concert with pianist Ralph Woodward: on Saturday 22nd of January we will perform, for the first time together, Franz Schubert’s ‘Winterreise’ (‘Winter Journey’), one of Western art-song’s greatest masterpieces. The twenty-four songs tell the story of the poet’s reaction to being jilted, as he paces the wintry landscape, alone and in shock. It’s a study in grief, a searing psychological monodrama, and it contains some of Schubert’s most haunting music.

The concert will take place at the Downing Place United Reformed Church in Cambridge and to book your ticket (£10 - students £5) please drop a message to ralphwoodwardtickets@live.co.uk.

I look forward to seeing you there!