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Hi everybody!

My name is Alessandro and I am an Italian tenor and pianist. I live in Fordham, Cambridgeshire, and I teach Singing and Piano. . . . . ...

Monday 17 June 2024

Summer Summer Summer!

Another summer is nearly here and we are getting ready to finally enjoy some nice weather - hopefully! - and for many musical events.

To begin with, in just a few weeks, at the beginning of July, my and my friend and colleague Alice's students' concert is planned: a garden party to have fun and share with old and new friends the musical progress made in the past few months!

After that, a few more lessons and then it will be time to go to Italy, where family, friends and many concerts are in line - including an hommage to Puccini on the 100th anniversary of his death, a concert performance of Elisir d'amore and my first performance of a wonderful and moving piece by Britten, his Canticle III, Still Falls the Rain.

But first - a quick trip to Italy in 10 days, to sing the chamber orchestra version of Mahler's Das Lied von der Erde, with the Windkraft Ensemble under Kasper de Roo. Cannot wait!

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